Garden Shrine
The flowers are: Veronica percica, Viola grypoceras, Rhododendron metternichii, Magnolia denudata, Gymnaster savatieri, Astragalus sinicus/red, Astragalus sinicus/white, Oxalis griffithii, Rosa multiflora, Circium japonicum, Camellia japonica, Aquilegia flabellata, Magnolia liliflora, Mazus miquelii, Potentilla fragarioides v.major, Chelidoniun japonicum, Dicentra spectabilis, Anemone keiskeana, Anemone flaccida, Lamium album v. barbatum, Malus halliana, Salix gracilistyla, Corydalis pallida v. tenuis, Cornus florida, Garden pansy/white, Garden pansy/red, Garden pansy/blue, Garden pansy/yellow, Garden pansy/orange more flower icons
It is an archetypal image of the soul, of innocence, of happiness; it is a place for growth of the inner Self.
It is a symbol of consciousness because of its order and enclosed characteristics, as opposed to the unconscious FOREST.
Yet it also represents fertility and is usually considered feminine. ~source~.
The gate is an entryway into an unknown place, or a place of great significance; it is a threshold, and may connect the living and the dead.
Gold is illuminating, sacred, durable; it is precious. It is almost universally associated with the SUN, or the highest stage in spiritual development.
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The soul garden, an envisioned place, has special attributes that make that spot, no matter how big or small, a destination of rejuvenation, wildness, serenity, variety, imperfection, play, spiritual and physical stimulation and mental rest. ~source~
a small piece of ground used to grow vegetables, fruit, herbs, or flowers.
"they brought us tomatoes from their garden"
cultivate or work in a garden.
"she wrote books, kept journals, and gardened"
take a break
and meditate
on the virtual labyrinth
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